The first question is, have you ever had or heard of plant-based meat? I mean, what are the chances? If you live in Lagos and rarely go out or stay updated on food-related news, chances are this is the first time you’ve heard of plant-based meat. So, what is plant-based meat?
Plant-based meat is not a vegetarian or vegan diet; it is meat made out of plants and the cells of animals. It means there was no slaughtering of animals involved in the making of this meat. Scientists have figured it is a way to retain/increase the animal population, serve healthy meals and introduce some sort of proper diet. So, they’ve made meat by extracting cells from animals (to get some nutrients and the animal-like taste), adding plants and ingredients like potatoes, soybeans, and coconut oil, putting it in the processor/machine, and arriving at meat. So, is plant-based meat the new reality? Would you get served plant-based meat at your next restaurant visit? The answer is maybe.
Although some stores and restaurants at home and abroad have begun to sell this product, it is undeniably true that a lot of resources go into the creation of the meat. The cost of production is preventing the produce from getting mainstreamed. Also, is there a market for it? Is there a possibility that consumers would set aside the sumptuous taste of cow meat, pork, and soft goat meat, just to feel plant and meat cells in a bite? Would you be willing to make that switch?
The advantages of plant-based meals, however, are massive. First, the consumption of plant-based meat reduces the risk of bowel and stomach cancer and other illnesses associated with animal-meat consumption. It also cuts down the global effect associated with the reduction of animals. The planet needs all creatures to function, and research shows we do not produce or allow animals to recreate enough for there to be an everlasting supply of animal meat. Maybe, plant-based meat is a sustainable feeding method, and it might be a new reality. Do you agree?
While you debate your answer, Topsis Burger Lab told us they would be testing some plant-based meat alternatives soon, and there would be no harm in trying them out. We will keep you posted as regards that. But if you are looking to try out a plant-based restaurant in Lagos, Veggievictory is your go-to spot.
Veggievictory is the Nigerian first ever plant-based food tech company, and they have been in existence since 2013 with the intent to bring people a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle through the meat and meal they sell. You can read more about them here. You could also visit them to try their vegan cake, Vchunks, and vegan pie- and bring us the good tidings of your visit.
Not to worry, we will be visiting VeggieVictory and letting you know if we agree that plant-based meat is the new reality.
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