Kaanubaru Restaurant, (Gbagada)
20 Fola Jinadu Cres, Pedro| Phone | Instagram
Kaanubaru Lagos is a restaurant in Gbagada that serves intercontinental dishes. It’s a little hard to find as there’s no signage, but it’s a nicely decorated space with colorful furniture. The bar is also really beautiful, and they have good service delivery.
I ordered their coconut curry with minced vegetables and chicken. It was just okay. It was just a curry; there was no taste or even a slight hint of coconut. The meal was slightly over-seasoned, and the chicken was slightly fried and too soft.
I had their love portion as my drink. It was sweet with a sour aftertaste; I found the contradicting flavors interesting.
![Kaanuabaru Lagos]()
My overall experience at Kaanubaru Lagos is a 6/10; they need a magical culinary touch. I would visit again, maybe with a friend.
Have you visited Kaanubaru in Lagos? Share your experience with us!
Kaanubaru Restaurant Summary
![Ambience](http://foodieinlagos.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Ambience.png) | Ambience | Great ambience |
![Food Quality](http://foodieinlagos.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Food-Quality.png) | Food Quality | The food was a 5/10 |
![Location](http://foodieinlagos.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Location.png) | Location | Not easy to locate. |
![Price](http://foodieinlagos.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Price.png) | Price | Kalakuta Coconut Curry ₦6,600 Love Potion ₦4,500 Total Spent ₦11,100 VAT Inclusive View Restaurant Menus here |
![Service Delivery](http://foodieinlagos.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Service-Delivery.png) | Service Delivery | Their customer service was okay |
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