Welcome to HealthyJanuary with FIL,
The other day, we asked you here if you added some kg during the holidays, but you asked us to mind our business. We know why you asked us to mind our business. You’ve probably added a bit more than a few kgs. We also know you have plans to start your weight loss journey, which is why we are here.
We are here to help you get started by giving recommendations on food, drinks, and trim options that would help you drop a few kgs. You know that commitment and intentionality would be needed to continue this journey, so the first step is to make that decision by pledging.
The Pledge: I pledge to myself in this weight loss journey that I would not do a 25 cheat days out of 30 days in a month. I wouldn’t take half a cup of soda and dilute it with water in attempt to reduce the sugar level (knowing fully well it doesn’t work like that). Go ahead and pledge; that’s the first step.
Get an accountability partner: Don’t get someone who most likely wouldn’t help you. You know who your true accountability partner is. Someone who helps you to take it easy on yourself but sets the record on what it really should be. This person would check your intake, track your exercise, and snatch the cup of soda from you (but not violently). It’s time to text that person and speak to them about your intentions to lose some kg.
Keep track: We want to be involved with this one. We want you to get on that weight machine and gauge how much you weigh now, take a picture of yourself and store it in your phone storage. We want you to repeat this process after 4 weeks of dedication to these rules. Yes, you have to share it with us, share with us a before and after picture. Tag us on our socials with the hashtag #healthyjanuarywithFIL; we would love to see the good works.
Calories check: Little gossip, we have a team member who is on a weight loss journey so we’ve been extracting information from her😂. There are calorie apps like this that are used in checking how many calories every meal has. In a day, you should consume no more than 1,500 – 2000 calories. We have a post on calorie myths coming up to enable you to identify food with a large number of calories. Until then, the app is your guide. An effective way to do a calorie check is by reducing your food portion. If you used to do 3 big spoons of rice, you might want to reduce it to two and as time goes by, 1 and a half. Scared? Don’t worry. You can do this.
Switch: You have to switch soda for water or smothie. For everytime you get the nudging to eat junks like chocolate buscuits, candy bars, you have to replace it with fruits or homemade snacks.
Exercise: We wish we could skip that part, but we can’t. You have to exercise in the right places. The abs, the thighs, the hips, etc. We recommend a fitness coach for this. That being said, watch out for our diet food & drink posts and our calorie count posts.
Until then, don’t cheat.
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