We took to the streets of Lagos (the virtual streets of Lagos) to ask Foodies who the better cook is. Of course, there was back and forth because some people brought cooking pots and a cooler to this conversation, but trust Foodie in Lagos to settle all scores. To mention, we see a lot of male chefs in the culinary industry, and it is so remarkable to see the impact they are making; here is a cheer for them. Anyways, let’s get into the conversation for today.
Men or Women, who is the better cook?
Miwrites, Female.
Men cook simple meals, and if it mistakenly or otherwise turns out delicious, they over and hyper-hype themselves. But like Gusteau said in Ratatouille, everybody can cook, so I wouldn’t say there is a better cook. However, from personal experience and the journey of my life, more women have given and served me delicious meals than men.
FIL Editor comment: Miwrites with the violence. We weren’t sure what side she was tilting to, but now we see it. What do you think of MiWrites contribution?
Anjie, Female.
Women cook better, generally. It is just that men rarely cook, and when they do, it’s different from the normal food you have been eating from women, so it’s like a thrill. To cook delicious food on a constant daily basis that’s a woman for you, but to cook once and make it excellent? Call a man. I hate to admit it; my younger brother’s Jollof rice tastes better than mine, but I cook every day, so I am the better cook.
FIL Editor comment: What is going on, Miss Anjie? She is trying so hard not to sell herself out, lol. We get the memo.
Timi, Male.
We don’t cook often, but when we do, it’s spectacular. More women cook often than men, but the few men that cook mostly cook better than women. Please give us the throne; we take it.
FIL Editor comment: Of course, we do not expect you to tear down your gender. We give it to you, Sir Timi.
Ayo, Female.
I think if we are talking percentage, more women can cook than men. However, I have noticed when a man can cook, they do it so well, making it art and better than women in it.
FIL Editor comment: Ayo brought math into the game; we get it.
Glory, Female.
I feel like men cook better than women because in the olden days. It was believed that the cycle of a woman’s life ends in the kitchen and in her husband’s house; now civilization has changed the narrative leaving women to be lazy and uninterested in paying attention to making nice meals.
There are even more male chefs than female chefs; men are now getting more interested in making meals, while women are interested in going to restaurants to eat.
FIL Editor comment: Glory didn’t come to play, okay girl.
Segun, Male.
Ordinarily, we tend to believe that women are better cooks; in actual sense, men make better and more sumptuous dishes. (Na only Amala and Ewedu, Banga and starch or Fufu and Oha soup una sabi).
FIL Editor comment: I see shades, throwing shades everywhere.
Yemi, Male.
Not at all. I believe both men and women are great cooks. It depends on the individual. At the same time, we have bad cooks from both sides.
FIL Editor comment: Yemi is really trying to be neutral, okay.
Oladipupo, Male.
Practice makes unto being better, nah wetin una don dey do since teytey based on our society, nah the upbringing be that. Also, cooking for most ladies is a show of positivity to herself and to many… Sho get?
FIL Editor comment: This contribution is giving positive vibes only.
Adeola, Female.
My husband dey cook ooh, Ah! There is nothing he can’t cook. He taught me how to make Ogbono.
FIL Editor comment: There is always that one person who shows off, definitely it is Adeola. We see a Queen lifting her King. Okay girl, get it.
Mrs. Tara, Female.
Women, even without the passion, because of upbringing and responsibility to take care of the family, are built to cook, whether they enjoy it or not.
FIL Editor comment: That’s a wrap.
The point is whether you get served by a female or male chef, enjoy the food, and eat. Food is the next best thing after chilled weather. Tell us in the comments what else you want us to do a social experiment on.
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I love Yemi’s take, however, I disagree with Glory, I think we have more female chefs
Thank you for sharing your view, Miwrites.