December 4, 2024
Lagos Detty December list


LAGOS DETTY DECEMBER ULTIMATE LIST (PART 2) NEW RESTAURANTS TO TRY      Back again with the Detty December series. Lagos has been buzzing with new spots opening left right and center and I gat you!  @canvas.cs – 36 Rasheed Alaba Williams Street, Lekki Phase 1 –  9 Sasegbon Street GRA Ikeja @thegridlifestyle_  – 19b Thornborn Avenue, Off Commercial Rd, Sabo, Yaba @danfo_secret_garden – 225b Etim Inyang, Lagos @vicilagos –  106A Anifowoshe Street, Victoria Island @Farfallino – 25 Ozumba Mbadiwe street, Victoria Island. @mr.pantherlagos –  1390 Tiamiyu Savage Street, Victoria Island. @noshlagos – 2, Ichie Chris, Lekki Phase 1 […]
December 2, 2024

Lagos Loves Mushrooms (No, Not That Kind!)

Lagos Loves Mushrooms (No, Not That Kind!): Food Trends We’re Totally Here For. Lagos loves mushrooms: If there’s one thing Nigerians know, it’s how to hop on a food trend and make it distinctly our own. Whether it’s jollof wars or the latest twist on suya, we take the global food wave and spin it with local flair –Naija style.  And the latest thing making its way into our plates is …Mushrooms! Yes, those little fungi that you grew around your childhood compound (if you’re like me) are about to become the star ingredient of your favourite dishes. Don’t worry—this […]
November 30, 2024
Lagos Detty December list


LAGOS DETTY DECEMBER ULTIMATE LIST (PART 1) After a long year of hustling and bustling it’s only right that your detty December list is packed with fun and exciting things to do. My IJGB ‘s are definitely not left out as I have compiled a guide to help you navigate Lagos easily this period.  10 UNIQUE ACTIVITIES TO DO / DINING EXPERIENCES IN LAGOS    If you are tired of eating and visiting Lagos restaurants, here are other unique activities and some dining experiences to do in Lagos this detty December. Some of these activities are child-friendly so you can […]
November 18, 2024

Brioche Bread: Worth the Buzz or its Just Bread

Brioche Bread: Worth the Buzz or Just Bread? Nigerians are on to the next food rave—brioche bread! It’s buttery, it’s soft, and it’s all over social media. But there’s one thing giving everyone a little heartburn: the price. When did a humble loaf start running close to ₦20,000? Is it the fluffiness? The fancy French name? Or is it just packaging? If you’ve been following food trends lately, you’ll know that the price of all bread has skyrocketed in Nigeria. Bakers across the country have been shouting about the soaring costs of ingredients, from flour to sugar to butter. And […]
August 27, 2024
Vegan Nigerian food

Nigerian Vegan Foods

9 NIGERIAN VEGAN FOODS YOU SHOULD KNOW   Vegan Nigerian Foods in Nigeria, leave all these ‘oyinbo’ recipes you can buy or whip up delicious vegan food that isn’t Caesar’s salad. Here are 9 Nigerian Vegan foods that can be made easily from the comfort of your home or gotten easily from your nearest vendor.   JOLLOF RICE This one comes as a shocker to most people, but Jollof rice is perfectly vegan. From the rice to the tomatoes to the peppers the oil and the margarine, every part of the meal is completely animal-free, so you can rest assured.  […]
August 20, 2024

How to Make a Beautiful Fruit Basket: Step-by-Step Guide

The first thing to know about making a fruit basket is that a good fruit basket is a full fruit basket. No one wants a fruit basket that runs out before they have had the chance to try almost every recipe involving fruits saved on their Instagram page. A fruit basket gift is a great way to show love to a foodie or anyone you know is intentional about food. When it is arranged personally, it makes it even more intimate, especially if you are able to utilize the fruits and their meanings to send a message. Here are a […]
June 2, 2024

Review: Black Eyed Peas Restaurant, Lagos

Black Eyed Peas Restaurant, Lagos 25 Akiogun Street, New Market, Oniru| Phone | Instagram This new 24 hours spot on the island opened up and I just had to stop by. The ambience is welcoming and simple, quite a serene space.   MEAL They had lots of options that you would find in any regular eatery including salads and sandwiches. I had the Firewood Jollof Rice and Peppered Chicken. At least that was what I asked for, but I got firewood jollof that was not smoky and the peppered chicken wasn’t spicy, they probably need to work on naming their […]
May 15, 2024

Food Allergy Awareness Week

Food Allergy Awareness  One thing people rarely talk about are allergies. In a country like Nigeria, allergies are barely mentioned, not to talk of food allergies. If you tell certain people you have food allergies, they might tease you about it for a long time, and that isn’t unusual. What is food allergy and how does it happen? Food allergies happens when the immune system mistakenly identifies a specific food protein as harmful and triggers an immune response. The response can range from mild symptoms like itching and hives to severe reactions such as difficulty breathing and anaphylaxis. People’s common […]
April 29, 2024

Guinness World Records – Brian visits 150 restaurants in 24hrs

Most Visited Restaurants in 24hrs – An attempt by Brian Nwana Another Record on the way. Okay, I’d like to start by saying I don’t know if Nigerians are overdoing it, (I mean what do you think)? But I’d like to cheer everyone who has attempted or gotten a record so far. It takes great strength, in fact, huge courage to dare to make a change in a field. To start a challenge even needs greater strength. Congratulations to Tunde, the Nigerian Chess Master, and as you know, I am forever cheering Hilda, now, to the the order of the day. […]

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