Blue Blaze Restaurant (Surulere, Lagos)
27 Adelabu St, Surulere, Lagos | Phone | Instagram
You know I am always on the hunt for new spots in Lagos. I recently stopped by Blue Blaze restaurant in Surulere, the name reflected in the design. They have a cool lighted space with comfortable chairs to fit and artificial grasses and flowers.
![Blue Blaze Restaurant]()
![Blue Blaze Restaurant]()
I ordered the Chinese chopsuey rice on a sizzler, which was a combination of Chinese rice and stir-fried chicken sauce served on a sizzling platter. While the Chinese rice was bursting with flavor and left me wanting more, the stir-fried chicken sauce fell a bit short of my expectations. I couldn’t help but feel a little more seasoning or a touch of spice would bring out its full potential. Nonetheless, it still complemented the rice and made it a satisfying dish. I will rate this dish a 7/10.
To complement my meal, I ordered a mocktail called the Blue Ocean. It was exactly how I like my mocktails- sweet and refreshing. The blend of blue curacao, ice, peach, and orange juice was spot-on. I’ll rate this drink an 8/10.
They also offer delivery services. I recommend stopping by if you are in the area and looking for some delicious Chinese rice or a refreshing mocktail.
![Blue Blaze Restaurant]()
I was satisfied with my visit, I would definitely visit again with friends, I really can’t get over the experience.
Have you visited Blue Blaze Restaurant in Surulere, Lagos? Share your experience with us!
Blue Blaze Restaurant Summary
![Ambience]( | Ambience | Great space with blue mood lighting (To live up to its name I guess) |
![Food Quality]( | Food Quality | Food was really tasty. |
![Location]( | Location | No parking available. |
![Price]( | Price | Chinese Chopsuey Rice on Sizzler ₦6,000 Blue Ocean Mocktail ₦3,000 Water ₦300 Taxes & Charges (5%) ₦465 Total spent ₦9,765 View Restaurant Menus here |
![Service Delivery]( | Service Delivery | The wait staff at Blue Blaze was friendly, attentive, and helpful throughout my visit. |
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