October 11, 2022
Rice Krispies

DIY: Rice Krispies – Cereal as a snack

Hey Foodies,  There are different ways to have your cereal, you don’t have to stick to the traditional method of cereal, milk, and sugar. We have come up with a fascinating way to have your Rice Krispies cereal as a snack INGREDIENTS/ MATERIALS NEEDED 60g Marshmallows 1/2 cup butter 2 cups Rice krispies pinch of salt Foil paper Baking pan or tray Baking paper Step 1: Begin by melting butter in a pot over medium heat. You have to be careful not to let your butter burn. We only want it to be a little bit brown. So, once it […]
October 10, 2022
Oreo Milkshake

DIY: How To make Oreo Milkshake

Hey Foodies,  The Oreo Milkshake recipe is one do-it-yourself recipe I can’t keep calm about. This dessert is my favourite, it always reminds me of the first time I had the McDonald’s milkshake in Cicero, Illinois. If you ever have friends over for the weekend or you are chilling with bae, this is the dessert for the mood. As you guessed, it is easy and cost-friendly.  INGREDIENTS/ MATERIALS NEEDED Liquid whole milk Vanilla ice cream Oreo cookies Whipped cream (optional) Cup, straw, blender, etc.   Step 1: Start by washing your hands with clean water, as a foodie, I expect […]
October 5, 2022

DIY: Zobotini – A Spin on the typical Martini Cocktail

Welcome to the latest category we have on Foodie in Lagos. Here, we will be providing some easy DIY guides to follow at home ZOBOTINI is a Nigerian spin on the classic Martini 🍸 drink. It is perfect for a girl’s sleepover or movie night with loved ones. You can choose to serve your Zobotini with lime or lemon. Zobotini Ingredients Ice Dry Gin Zobo Drink (You can use homemade, or store-bought) Step 1: Wash/rinse every utensil. Put some ice inside a glass and pour some of your hibiscus juice (zobo drink) into the glass.   Step 2: Put some dry […]
December 4, 2020

Our Favourite Recipes made with Offal

Offal seems like a pretty fancy name to call animal innards until you find out what it means. It literally means garbage in German. But while they may be called garbage, offal is anything but that. In fact, it features in most of our traditional recipes, and some of our favourites include Shaki, Beef Tongue, Liver, Gizzards, etc. Here are some of our favourite recipes made with offal! Gizdodo This is an absolute delight for the tastebuds and all the five senses in general. A recipe that requires fried plantain with pieces of chicken gizzard, cooked together with vegetables and […]
November 18, 2020

Akwa-Ibom Recipes We Love

Nigerian food is surprising, many-sided, and of course, absolutely delicious. With just a few ingredients, we create the most memorable dishes; and this happens all over the country. Today, we’re talking about our favourite dishes from south-eastern Nigeria, Akwa Ibom specifically.  Being surrounded by bodies of water, the people of Akwa Ibom use a lot of seafood like periwinkles, fish, and shrimp in their meals. Here are some of our favourite recipes from the state.   Ekpang Nkukwo  This pottage dish is similar to one called Ikokore from Ijebu. It is made with grated cocoyam wrapped in leaves. The process […]
November 6, 2020
Homemade-Cocktails - Featuring-Lime-juice

Recipe: Homemade Cocktails – Featuring Lime Juice

I don’t know much about alcohol, but I do know that what makes or breaks a cocktail is not just who makes it, but the quality of the ingredients. That being said, if you’re ‘bored in the house and you’re in the house bored’, you can choose to be adventurous and try your hands at making cocktails. I personally like the cocktails that contain lime juice, so if you have limes at home, these are a few cocktails you can try.   Mojito The Mojito is traditionally Cuban, and I haven’t had a lot of cocktails, but I believe mojitos […]
September 23, 2020

Frying Food – The Healthy Way

A significant part of the food we consume is fried- from chicken to fries, and even some forms of dough. Most people are of the opinion that frying food guarantees that it will be tasty, no doubt, but it has been proven unhealthy, especially when it’s done often. This is why we’ve decided to bring you five healthier ways to enjoy fried food.   Use an Air Fryer Air fryers are just as effective in frying food as deep or pan-frying. It requires a little amount of oil, which means less cholesterol.    Use Olive Oil  Olive oil contains antioxidants […]
August 19, 2020

Breakfast for Nigerians with Diabetes

Breakfast for Nigerians with Diabetes Breakfast, also known as the most important meal of the day is, ironically, the most skipped meal, for many reasons. However, we are not getting into those reasons, because that is not why we are here today. Today’s post is meant to encourage you to eat breakfast and eat as healthy a breakfast as you can. It is especially directed at people with diabetes, who have to avoid certain foods to keep their blood sugar down.  It is also useful for anyone who wants to be healthier – not every time sugary breakfast cereals. So […]
June 15, 2020

Recipe: How to Make Creamy Tomato & Spinach Pasta with Chicken

Since discovering the beauty of creamy pasta, decided to try out Creamy Tomato Spinach Pasta with chicken bits, prawn and of course mushrooms. The process is not that different from this pasta recipe shared here but I made this more spicy. This is how to make this version of creamy tomato spinach pasta.   Creamy Tomato Spinach Pasta Sauce 1/2 seasoning cubes Cooking cream 3 Teaspoons minced Garlic Paprika Sliced red bell pepper Spinach Any pasta of choice. I used Spaghetti Prawns ½  medium onion, sliced Thinly cut chicken pieces 2 Habanero peppers (sliced) & tomatoes Sliced Mushrooms Instructions Start […]

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